Photo: The Peninsula Manila

Brunch or Lunch
Lets talk about brunch first. It is  a meal usually taken late in the morning that combines a late breakfast and an early lunch.

For some people  the weekend just isn’t complete without brunch. A meal of eggs Benedict, perhaps some home fries and a Bloody Mary or two. What is the history of brunch? The concept of brunch can be traced back to the upper-class British tradition of hunting luncheons. In between rousting the foxes, men and women gathered for early lunches complete with lots of meats, egg dishes and plenty of beverages. The first time breakfast and lunch foods were combined into one mega-meal.

The word “brunch” itself first appears in an 1895 article by author Guy Beringer.  In that article, Beringer defended those nursing their Sunday morning hangovers. Instead of rousing people from bed and offering them a heavy spread of meat pies, Beringer proposed a midmorning compromise: a mixed meal that could lead with tea pastries and segue into meatier dishes. That way, brunchers wouldn’t be forced to stuff themselves with heavy meaty dishes, instead, they could slowly get rid of their headaches and calm their roaring stomachs. So we have a new meal “brunch” thanks to hard-drinking English men. From there, brunch’s popularity only grew with every year. Sunday brunch became very  popular after World War II. Church attendance had dropped significantly in the post-war years, and people were looking for something to do with the time that previously would have been spent in the pews. Sunday mornings and afternoons became a time to relax, spend time with friends and maybe have a mimosa or two.

As to the day for brunch,  basically it can be any day of the week, as long as people are available to attend. But since many people work, the best day will be a Saturday or Sunday.

Brunch is typically served between the normal breakfast time and lunch — generally around 10:00 AM

What is usually served for brunch?

There are no set rules about what should be on the brunch menu but since it is a combination of two meals, any breakfast and lunch dishes can be served. Brunch is always accompanied by a variety of beverages: bloody mary, Mimosa cocktail, etc.


There is not much to tell about lunch. The difference between lunch and dinner is the time of day each is served. The traditional time to serve lunch is around 12.30 -13.00 in the afternoon.

If we talk about formal lunch, there are 4 courses usually served while at informal lunch, the number of courses can be one, two or three. The set up of a table for formal lunch is the same as for formal dinner, only less tableware is presented. It is served by a professional staff while an informal dinner is served by the hostess.  For more information, please refer to the articles about formal and informal dinners.

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