So what is an informal or casual dinner? In everyday life we don’t have enough time or inclination to organize a formal dinner which requires extensive preparations.
Casual meal can vary from an elegant four-course affair served at a fully set table to a simple two-course meal. At a casual dinner the host cooks the meal though a professional can be hired to serve and clean up. As to the timing there are no rules, it is up to a host. There can be drinks served prior to the dinner itself. There are also no rules as to the duration or to the space, the informal meal can be served wherever space allows and whenever it is convenient for a host.
As I have mentioned the casual meal has two or four courses, not more. The hostess cooks, sets the table, serves the meal, cleans up the table and serves after-dinner drinks.
There are certain tips which could make the occasion more effortless and relaxed:
- You can have salad or entrée pre-served before the dinner starts or you can serve it as a side dish with the mail course
- The host can serve the main meal either right at the table or fill up the plates in the kitchen and serve them to the guests. Two dinner plates can be served at once
- Drinks are also served by the host who walks around the table and fills up the glasses
- Plates are usually served on the left side and cleaned up on the right side
- The host can clean up the plates either when the last guest is finished (at a small dinner) or when the most of the guests are finished (at a large dinner)
- After-dinner drinks are served either at the table or in any other room. They can be also served on a tray at a coffee table. The digestive drinks are not necessary to be served after simple dinner
Before guests arrive you should:
- Fill up the water glasses
- Place Entrée course at each place setting
- Light the candles
- Prepare a tray for after-drinks
- Place sauce and condiments on the table
There are four general styles of serving an informal dinner:
- English style: it is when a small serving table adjoins the dining table and holds all the dishes. The hostess remains seated during the whole dinner and serves the plates passed to her but such style involves handling of the plates and interrupted conversations. At the end of each course, the guests pass their plates to the hostess
- Professional style: it is when a professional service is hired to cook , serve and clean
- Host style: it is when the host or hostess serve the meal from the kitchen or a buffet. They also serve the plates and clean up afterwards
- French style: it is when all the dishes are placed on the dining table at the same time and the guests pass the serving dishes. This way of service is easier for a host but requires lots of handling of the plates. The main dish served by the host and is placed in front of him/her on the dining table